Thursday, August 25, 2005

What its like.

I work at a comic book store. Its a good job. A fun job. The pay is absolutley appaling but what I do here really cant be catogorized as "work". I sit around and read. I watch movies and listen to music. I have found however, that the longer I work here the more I begin to take on the characteristics of one of the record store clerks from "Hi-Fidelity" or the guy that works in the movie place in "Clerks". The other day someone called looking for a particluar book. I told him that we had it but I wouldnt sell it to him. There was a prolonged pause on the line as my words sunk into his fan-boy skull. He asked me "why not?". My response was simple. "cause it sucks". Ive also found myself becoming more and more exasperated by most anyone who walks through the door. Dont they know Im trying to read in here? Dont they understand that Im trying to watch a fucking movie!? Do they not grasp the idea that Im one stupid question away from showing them their own internal organs?.....


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