Friday, September 09, 2005

The Stinking Beast Of Convenience

It would seem that we live in world that is unbearably difficult and unwieldy. If this were not the case then surely we wouldn't need all the wonderfully time saving stupid little inventions we CANT live without. Here's the deal, your stupid little fucking bank card is a joke. Is buying a 2 dollar and seventy-five cent comic with a card convenient? No, but you know what is? Fucking cash! Try it. When I know that Im going to buy something I get myself some real money. Its stunningly fucking easy. No waiting for a some godhead computer out in Fairfax to tell me my allowed to buy a pack of gum. No signing slips of paper in triplicate. You know what else isn't convenient? Text messaging. Now I don't own a cell phone but if I did and if I did in fact start getting text messages from people I know I would call them and ask them what the FUCK they're doing. Write me a letter or give me a call. Make up your fucking mind! You are not saving time while your hunched over a LCD mashing buttons til you can convey with a nauseating E-short hand what you could have send in seconds with your fucking mouth.

Am I really this angry?

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